DesignMerge variable link displays duplicate content after merge/update

Are you "seeing double" after DesignMerge Catalog updates links in a document? For example, you may have a Price Link that was displaying "$46.55", but now the Link is displaying "$46.55$46.55" after updating. This article covers common conditions that may cause this issue to occur.


Another possibility for this condition is that you may also have two placeholders side-by-side. Sometimes the placeholders are not easily distinguished because they all share the same underscore visual indicator. To detect a placeholder, place your cursor in the text story and use the navigation buttons on the DesignMerge panel to move between placeholders assigned in the text.

As you click these buttons, each placeholder will be selected in turn, so you should be able to detect if you have any duplicates. As you can see in the above example, a very small placeholder appears adjacent to another, which can cause the duplicate content condition. To resolve, simply remove the duplicate placeholder by clicking the Remove button on the DesignMerge Panel.


Another possibility for the duplicate content issue is the InDesign Track Changes feature. Please confirm your document is not using the InDesign Track Changes feature because DesignMerge software has not been implemented for use with this feature.

To repair the broken variable links, first remove all tracked changes in the document (accept or reject all changes), and then disable the InDesign Track Changes feature. 

Once Track Changes is disabled, you can edit the placeholders that are displaying duplicate content in the document.

If editing does not repair a broken placeholder, you will need to untag the placeholder and then re-tag the content. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Select all of the content that the broken placeholder is displaying.
  2. Open the DesignMerge panel (DesignMerge > View > DesignMerge Panel).
  3. Click Remove on the panel. If clicking Remove does not resolve this, open the DesignMerge menu and choose Utilities > Link > Clear Selection Range
  4. Once the content has been untagged, you can use the DesignMerge panel to tag that content as a new DesignMerge variable link. 


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Date added:
26-Mar-2014 10:56am